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Description of Material Recovery Facility (MRF)

The purpose of recycling is to reduce waste at source and reuse it. MRF is the first step in the recycling process and also plays an important role. To sort and prepare recyclable materials for alternative use.


There are four main types of MRFs, each of which depends on the source material streams:


Source separated - The incoming recyclables are already sorted at the collection point, so only simple processing is required. Its main purpose is to remove residual contaminants and prepare raw materials for the market.


Double stream - Recycled material is received in two streams, usually fiber (newspaper, magazine, mixed paper, cardboard). The separation of materials is accomplished by a combination of automatic equipment and manual sorting.


Single stream - Recycled material is received in a single stream, and combines the fibers and mixing containers. The first stage of processing usually uses equipment to separate the material into two streams (fibers and containers). A device similar to the dual-stream MRF was used for further sorting.


Mixed Waste - MSW is the use of different technologies to separate mixed recyclable materials from the waste stream. The recyclable material is then processed using a device similar to the single-stream MRF. Some facilities deal with the entire waste stream, while others target commercial waste or load large volumes of recyclables.

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